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Consulting Services

Disaster Recovery Planning

Since before it was a major industry our Wizards have been working on plans to help our clients recover from disasters, both manmade and natural. It takes special knowledge to glean just what is essential and what is non-essential. We are able to analyze your systems and make a plan that will have you up and operational in a minimum of time and with a minimum of lost productivity.

Business Continuity Planning

This is an essential component of Disaster Recovery Planning. It goes beyond making sure your backups are current, it also means making sure your historical data is readily available, and that your company has a place to open an alternative location office with adequate systems and staffing support.

Plan Implementation and Audit

A plan is a very good thing, but if it is not tested periodically then when it is needed it may not fit your current needs. Our team will test any plan and help you correct the deficiencies. By making sure you test your plan and complete the test successfully, we provide the accountability that will help you get back into production after a business disruption.

Audit Software Compliance

With all the Federal and State regulations that apply to business data it is hard for most of us to keep up on what is and isn't required. We do the research for you and keep on top of any changes that may impact you.

System Security Auditing and Cleanup

You read in the news every day about some new virus attack or that somebody has hacked into this system or that system. How is a business owner ever going to keep up with all that information and protect their company sensitive data and processes? That is another service we provide. Are your virus definitions up to date? Is your firewall doing what it is supposed to be doing? Are your mobile workers protected from intrusions when outside your office network allowing them to bring back into the office viruses and trojans? The questions keep piling up and we can provide the answers to make your systems safe and still be productive.