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ALTEKMG Services

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[ Hardware ]
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Hardware Support

PC, Server, Workstation Design and Build

Do you need a specially designed computer for a special project? We can help you define your requirements then you can make a decision who you want to build the one or multiple copies of this system. We can help in picking a motherboard, memory, interface boards, etc that all work together correctly after finding working drivers for the operating system of choice? Having done this and found out the hardware won't run the operating system of choice because a key interface doesn't exist yet, is very frustrating to say the least. We can help in all aspects of this and shorten your time to production with your team.

Hardware Upgrades

We wish all upgrades went smoothly, such as replacing your system harddrive, or a key network router, or adding memory to a maxed out motherboard. We can help you evaluate, plan and then execute hardware upgrades while your staff concentrates on customer support.

System Planning, Re-Design, and Re-Build

If your systems planner is on to other projects, or even at another company, and you need to design a new system, re-design the existing one, or you are rebuilding the same design after a business disruption, we can apply the needed resources to get you through the project in an effective manner.

Systems Purchase and Installation

New startup department or company, expanding an existing group, or upgrading existing services sometimes requires a whole system of hardware and software. This is an opportunity to get high performing equipment for an appropriate level of investment dollars. Don't overspend on premium equipment where it isn't needed, and don't install underperforming equipment at key interface locations. Allow us to help your team evaluate your needs and desires and arrive at a quality solution for both initial costs and ongoing support costs.