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ALTEKMG Services

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Software Support

Application Installation and Configuration

Have you bought a special application to increase your productivity, or to add functionality with your customers? Have you tested the new application or their updates on your computers to determine if something has gone seriously wrong, or that you may need more powerful computers? Let us help you in determining these issues, testing for your needs, etc. We can provide some needed resources at a time when you can't afford to divert your own staff away from customer needs and attention.

OS Installation Update and Configuration

Operating System Installations, with all of the required updates and then the configuration process to make sure all of the known security holes are closed and testing that the various data files and support files are in the proper locations, is not for the faint of heart. Then if you add a shared network and shared files it may beome downright daunting. Let us help you decide what is needed and where you are growing to make better informed choices

System Utility Installation and Configuration

System utility program installations can be interesting if you have two or more utilities being installed, especially when they have common functions that may conflict with each other. We can help by testing these out prior to placing them on your key systems.

Security Software Installation and Configuration

Security software installations and configurations may tie your staff up in knots if it does not close the security holes correctly, or if you tie up all of your computer's resources running parallel scans all throughout the business day. Let us assist you in evaluations, testing, and sceduling of this type of software.

Software Purchase and Installation

We can help advise on the choices of software purchases, and may be able to provide guidance on where to purchase to prevent illegal copies being installed on your computers. Ramping up an installion project of several sets of programs on multiple computers can be overwhelming when staff is limited or overwhelmed. Let us apply our teams resources so your team can focus on their assigned tasks