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[ Robert - Sales and Marketing ]
[ Tom - Senior Engineer ]
[ Curtis - Senior Consultant ]
[ Gary - Senior Consultant ]
[ TK - Senior Engineer ]

Business          Business

I thrive on helping others find solutions to their tough problems. As a businessman I have watched other business owners wrestle with knurly computer problems in the same way they deal with other normal business problems. They ask a business friend’s advice, or even their next door neighbor. Neither of which know the answer but both are quick to give advice and it’s usually wrong. So the problem just keeps getting worse.

I decided to approach the problem from a different point of view. I called an expert to find out how to find a true and proven professional computer person. I wanted to find a computer professional that would almost know the answer to my problem almost before I could ask the question. These people are very rare but I knew that they do exist and through another business professional, I found them.

Finding this team of computer wizards has been one of the more rewarding activities I have ever experienced. When I talked with them one on one, I knew that I had struck gold. I knew that they were not just computer experts, they were wizards!

I believe that they can assist you and your business in ways that you can't even imagine and I want to give all of you an opportunity to meet these amazing professionals. I also want to give you a chance to have them be part of your team. It will save you time and it will save you money!

They will turn the professionalism of your business ahead in time by several years. This will be a quantum leap for you and your company. This is a step forward that will save you and your people hundreds of man hours and untold amounts of computer frustration.

Call me at 253.266.9753 and I’ll drop by your office and you and I will discuss your personal or business computer system. Prepare to be amazed at the answers you are about to receive. We have opened the door for you to give you a glimpse of the future, all you have to do is step through it!