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[ Robert - Sales and Marketing ]
[ Tom - Senior Engineer ]
[ Curtis - Senior Consultant ]
[ Gary - Senior Consultant ]
[ TK - Senior Engineer ]

 Business          Business

After serving in the Military I went to college at BIOLA University. Being an analytical type, after graduation I decided to work with computers and attended a trade school for operations and programming. I then started working as a computer operator advancing into programming and eventually becoming a systems programmer in a mainframe environment. I have had the opportunity to manage several groups and projects along the way. Doing Beta testing of IBM operating systems, third party hardware and software, data center moves and installations of new hardware and software has been my bread and butter. As a result of this background, I have actively planned, created and implemented disaster recovery plans for all levels of computing environments including the needed testing of those plans. This is the basis for creating a working business continuity plan that every company should have in place in todays business environment.

In the personal computer (PC) arena I have been building my own PC's since before they were called PC's. I have supported PC's doing warranty work and general repair. PC's are now an integral part of most IT (Information Technology) departments. Having worked with PC's since they used cassette tape as storage to having more power than the large IBM computers of old enables me to troubleshoot and repair any problem.

I have always had the ability to maintain calm in stressful situations, communicate well with all skill levels, and solve problems. As a result I have the ability to successfully communicate with diverse groups in a multi-vendor environment when no one is sure where the problem is located and then locate the actual problem and negotiate an appropriate solution to the difficult problems.