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 A Story ...

Backups gone awry.
A data recovery of a hard drive was requested even though regular archives had been set up and run on this computer with a Microsoft Operating System. Everyone assummed that all of the data was being stored under the MY DOCUMENTS folder. However, this individual had created 2 directories on the C:/ drive named DATA and DATA_MINE where they stored all of their important files, both company and personal data files. So, a simple choice by a well meaning individual, not understanding the ramifications of their choice, caused a significant cost to the company when their hard drive failed after several years of operation. Just because you are using one of many backup systems available to you on the market today, does not mean that all of your data is being backed up. You need to carefully understand what directories are being backed up and where you are placing your files. We find most people do not know where their data is really stored and frequently lose files beacause they just disappear for some unnown reason. Question: Do you know where your important data is? And, do you have a copy of that data in a safe place in case of a disaster? Running a simulated disaster recovery test may be a good thing. Try putting your laptop away for 48 hours, and see if you can access, from valid backups and archives, all of your important data. You might be surprised at the results.

Submitted by TK