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Computer Monitors: Should I leave them ON all the time or Turn them OFF when not in use?

The honest answer is it depends on what is important to you! If you are more interested in extending the life of the electrical components in the monitor, leave them turned on. If you are more interested in your environmental footprint, turn them off when not in use.

There is a long running discussion about this. Powering Up and Powering Down is the most dangerous time for any electronic devices, other than electrical surges during storms. So, from my hardware engineering side I recommend that you leave your electrical systems turned on. As much as is reasonable, minimizing the number of power sequences.

However, I am also aware of my electrical usage and the resulting costs. This not only includes my monthly bill, but also the environmental costs of electrical generation. From that perspective, I recommend that you turn off all your elctrical devices whenever you are not using them. So, you see that I recommend them both.

For your situation, you must decide which facet is of the greater concern. That understanding of your guiding principles will then direct you in your decision, and it is your decision. Is equipment maintenance cost your major concern, leave the monitors on. If electrical usage costs and environmental concerns are your major concern, then turn things off, including unplugging your charging transformers for your cell phones, your always on TVs, vcrs, dvds, etc.

Submitted by TK